Hexadecimal to Binary conversion

Each hex digit is in the range of [0-F]. To represent a hex digit, 4 bits are required. For example, have a look at the below combinations.

0000 ---> 0
0001 ---> 1 
0010 ---> 2
0011 ---> 3
0100 ---> 4
0101 ---> 5
0110 ---> 6
0111 ---> 7
1000 ---> 8
1001 ---> 9
1010 ---> A
1011 ---> B
1100 ---> C
1101 ---> D
1110 ---> E
1111 ---> F

Now, let’s consider the following binary value 52F

To find its equivalent hexadecimal value, replace each Hex digit with its equivalent binary combination as shown above.

Binary = 010100101111

Hexadecimal to Octal:

Please follow the below steps to convert Hexadecimal to Octal.

  1. Hexadecimal to binary (Refer to above section)
  2. Binary to octal (Refer to this article)


Hexadecimal = 52F
Binary = 010100101111
Octal = 2458

Hexadecimal to decimal

Steps to be followed:

  1. Hexadecimal to binary (Refer to above section)
  2. Binary to decimal (Refer to this article)


Hexadecimal = 52F
Binary = 010100101111
Decimal = 1327

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