In this article, we will see how to add remove and get the tags of a commit in git.

Tags allow us to mark specific commits with a meaningful labels. This can make it easier to identify important milestones in projects development history

Tags are a useful feature in Git that allow you to mark specific commits with a meaningful label.

How to add a tag to a Git commit:

To add a tag to a Git commit, you can use the git tag command followed by the name of the tag and the hash of the commit.

Following is an example on how to add a tag to the commit:

git tag v1.0.0 6a30f54

The above command adds a tag called v1.0.0 to the commit 6a30f54

How to delete a tag from a Git commit:

To delete a tag from a Git commit, use the command git tag -d followed by the name of the tag.

Here’s an example on how to delete a tag:

git tag -d v1.0.0

How to get tags of a commit

To get the tags associated with a Git commit, use the git tag --contains command followed by the hash of the commit.

Here’s an example:

git tag --contains 6a30f54

The above command displays the list of tags that contain in the commit 6a30f54.

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